1 steady-state process
невозмущенный процесс
Процесс, протекающий при отсутствии задающих воздействий и возмущений.
[Сборник рекомендуемых терминов. Выпуск 107. Теория управления.
Академия наук СССР. Комитет научно-технической терминологии. 1984 г.]Тематики
- автоматизация, основные понятия
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > steady-state process
2 steady-state process
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > steady-state process
3 steady-state process
4 steady-state process
Техника: установившийся процесс -
5 steady-state process
English-russian dictionary of physics > steady-state process
6 steady-state process
English-Russian dictionary of terminology cable technology > steady-state process
7 steady-state process
English-Russian scientific dictionary > steady-state process
8 steady-state process
Англо-русский словарь по исследованиям и ноу-хау > steady-state process
9 constant steady-state process
• konstantan stacionarni proces -
10 stochastic steady-state process
• stohastični stacionarni procesEnglish-Serbian dictionary > stochastic steady-state process
11 steady-state
1) <engin.> установившийся
2) устойчивое состояние
3) устойчивый
4) постоянный
5) постоянен
– steady-state acceleration
– steady-state aerodynamics
– steady-state combustion
– steady-state conditions
– steady-state diffusion
– steady-state equation
– steady-state oscillations
– steady-state pressure
– steady-state process
– steady-state radiation
– steady-state rotation
– steady-state signal -
12 steady state
<tech.gen> ■ stabiler Zustand m<tech.gen> (process, any kind) ■ Beharrungszustand m<i&c> (of oscillations) ■ eingeschwungener Zustand m< nucl> ■ stationäres Plasma n -
13 steady-state
<tech.gen> ■ gleichbleibend<el> (operation, process parameters) ■ stabil< phys> (e.g. field) ■ stationär< phys> (oscillation) ■ eingeschwungen -
14 steady-state condition
<tech.gen> (process, any kind) ■ Beharrungszustand m<i&c> ■ Stationaritätsbedingung fEnglish-german technical dictionary > steady-state condition
15 steady-state conditions
1. стационарные условия2. установившийся режимThe English-Russian dictionary general scientific > steady-state conditions
16 process
1) процесс2) процедура3) технологический процесс || технологический4) приём, способ5) обрабатывать; перерабатывать•process with independent increments — процесс с независимыми приращениями, аддитивный процесс
process with nonstationary increments — процесс с нестационарными приращениями, неоднородный во времени процесс
process with stationary and independent increments — процесс со стационарными и независимыми приращениями, однородный процесс
- absorbing barrier process - basic oxygen process - direct reduction process - discrete process - discrete-time process - linearly singular process - locally integrable process - locally stable process - multistep process - multivariate process - N-dimensional process - partially mixing process - process of hidden periodicities - steady stochastic process - temporally homogeneous process - weakly ergodic process - weakly stationary processprocess with stationary increments — процесс со стационарными приращениями, однородный во времени процесс
17 process
1) процесс
2) обработать
3) перерабатывать
4) движение
5) течение
6) прием
7) способ
8) обрабатывать
9) процедура
10) технологический
11) обрабатывающий
12) вычислительный
– activate a process
– additive process
– adiabatic process
– adjoint process
– aluninography process
– anaerobic process
– auxiliary process
– averaging process
– batch process
– Bessemer process
– bloomery process
– branching process
– commercialize a process
– computational process
– continuous process
– controlled process
– converter process
– correlated process
– counter-flow process
– Crouse process
– cupola process
– decision process
– denumerable process
– destroy a process
– deterministic process
– diagonal process
– diffusion process
– doping process
– dry-press process
– EFG process
– emigration process
– endothermic process
– equally-correlated process
– equilibrium process
– ergodic process
– exhaustion process
– exothermic process
– explosive process
– fit process adequately
– hereditary process
– ideal process
– immigration process
– implement process
– input process
– install process
– inverse process
– irreversible process
– isentropic process
– isobaric process
– isochoric process
– isothermal process
– iterative process
– Kroll process
– limit process
– Markov process
– martingale process
– Moebius process
– non-steady process
– nonequilibrium process
– nonpreemptive process
– open-hearth process
– optimal process
– Orbach process
– oxidizing process
– path of a process
– periodic process
– pig-and-ore process
– preemptive process
– probabilistic process
– process acid
– process camera
– process chart
– process condensate
– process data
– process design
– process engineering
– process feed
– process film
– process gas
– process information
– process installation
– process interface
– process liquid
– process liquor
– process load
– process occurs
– process of exhaustion
– process oil
– process oxygen
– process runs
– process steam
– process the rubber
– process variable
– process water
– production process
– random process
– rate process
– reduction process
– regular process
– repetitive process
– reproduce process
– reverberatory process
– reversible process
– rotor process
– sequential process
– soft-mud process
– stationary process
– steady-state process
– steel-making process
– stencil process
– stochastic process
– transient process
– transport process
– umklapp process
– unit process
– unsteady process
– welding process
– Wohlwill process
– xiphoid process
birth and death process — <math.> процесс рождения и гибели
chromizing by powder process — твердое диффузионное хромирование
disturbed harmonic process — возмущенный гармонический процесс
drawn-gate CMOS process — технология КМОП-схем с удлиненными затворами
realization of random process — реализация случайного процесса
strictly stationary process — стационарный в узком смысле процесс
18 state
1) состояние (1. форма и способ существования объекта или системы объектов 2. классифицирующая характеристика формы и способа существования объекта или системы объектов 3. накопленная информация; предыстория; память 4. вчт текущий символ из последовательности; величина, оказывающая влияние на последующие события 5. (энергетическое) состояние; (энергетический) уровень) || приводить в (определённое) состояние2) положение; ранг; уровень4) формулировать (напр. проблему); поставить (напр. задачу)5) утверждать; высказывать; выражать; излагать6) заявлять; сообщать•- accessible statestate of the art — современное состояние (напр. науки); передовой уровень (напр. технологии); последние достижения ||современный (напр. о науке); передовой (напр. о технологии); относящийся к последним достижениям
- active state
- admissible state
- allowed state
- all-zero state
- amplifying state
- antiferroelectric state
- antiferromagnetic state
- asymptotic state
- authorized state
- balance state
- band-gap state
- bistable magnetization state
- blocking state
- bound states
- brain state in a-box
- bubble state
- cache wait states
- charge state
- charge storage state
- cellular state
- code state
- coherent state
- command state
- conducting state
- correlated state
- critical state
- current state
- current-carrying state
- cutoff state
- deep state
- deep-lying state
- degenerate state
- demagnetized state
- determined state
- DMA wait states
- domain-wall state
- donor impurity state
- dopant-induced state
- dynamically demagnetized state
- E-state
- effective-surface state
- electretic state
- emergency state
- empty state
- energy state
- entangled states
- even state
- exchange-split state
- excited state
- exciton state
- exciton-magnon state
- exclusive state
- fast state
- ferrimagnetic state
- ferroelectric state
- ferromagnetic state
- ferron state
- filled state
- finite state
- forbidden state
- forward blocking state
- frozen state
- ground state
- high-impedance state
- high-Z state
- hyperfine state
- I-state
- idle state
- impurity state
- initial state
- inner state
- instance state
- instantaneous state
- in-sync state
- interface state
- intermediate state
- invalid state
- I/O wait states
- logic state
- M-state
- magnetized state
- matched momentum states
- memory state
- memory read wait states
- memory write wait states
- metaequilibrium state
- metastable state
- midgap state
- minimum uncertainty state
- mixed state
- modified state
- nodal state
- noncollinear spin state
- nondegenerate state
- nonsteady state
- normal state
- occupied state
- odd state
- off state
- on state
- one state
- orthogonal states
- passive state
- plasma state
- polarization state
- polarization state for field vector
- poled state
- position state
- predissociating state
- problem state
- process state
- quantized flux state
- quantum state
- quasi-stationary state
- qubit state
- quiescent state
- realizable state
- remanent state
- resource state
- reverse blocking state
- reverse conducting state
- S-state
- saturation state
- Schubnikov state
- shallow state
- shallow-lying state
- shared state
- single-domain state
- sleep state
- slow state
- solid state
- space-charge-limited-current state
- stable state
- statically demagnetized state
- stationary state
- steady state
- superconducting state
- supervisor state
- surface state
- tachyon state
- terminal state
- thermodynamic equilibrium state
- threshold state
- tip of the tongue state
- transient state
- trapped-plasma state
- trapping state
- unbound states
- unfilled state
- unmarked state
- unoccupied state
- unpoled state
- unstable state
- user state
- vacant state
- virtual state
- wait state
- Z-state
- zero state
- zero wait state -
19 state
1) состояние (1. форма и способ существования объекта или системы объектов 2. классифицирующая характеристика формы и способа существования объекта или системы объектов 3. накопленная информация; предыстория; память 4. вчт. текущий символ из последовательности; величина, оказывающая влияние на последующие события5. (энергетическое) состояние; (энергетический) уровень) || приводить в (определённое) состояние2) положение; ранг; уровень4) формулировать (напр. проблему); поставить (напр. задачу)5) утверждать; высказывать; выражать; излагать6) заявлять; сообщать•- accessible statestate of the art — современное состояние (напр. науки); передовой уровень (напр. технологии); последние достижения || современный (напр. о науке); передовой (напр. о технологии); относящийся к последним достижениям
- active state
- admissible state
- allowed state
- all-zero state
- amplifying state
- antiferroelectric state
- antiferromagnetic state
- asymptotic state
- authorized state
- balance state
- band-gap state
- bistable magnetization state
- blocking state
- bound states
- brain state in a box
- bubble state
- cache wait states
- cellular state
- charge state
- charge storage state
- code state
- coherent state
- command state
- conducting state
- correlated state
- critical state
- current state
- current-carrying state
- cutoff state
- deep state
- deep-lying state
- degenerate state
- demagnetized state
- determined state
- DMA wait states
- domain-wall state
- donor impurity state
- dopant-induced state
- dynamically demagnetized state
- E state
- effective-surface state
- electretic state
- emergency state
- empty state
- energy state
- entangled states
- even state
- exchange-split state
- excited state
- exciton state
- exciton-magnon state
- exclusive state
- fast state
- ferrimagnetic state
- ferroelectric state
- ferromagnetic state
- ferron state
- filled state
- finite state
- forbidden state
- forward blocking state
- frozen state
- ground state
- high-impedance state
- high-Z state
- hyperfine state
- I state
- I/O wait states
- idle state
- impurity state
- initial state
- inner state
- instance state
- instantaneous state
- in-sync state
- interface state
- intermediate state
- invalid state
- logic state
- M state
- magnetized state
- matched momentum states
- memory read wait states
- memory state
- memory write wait states
- metaequilibrium state
- metastable state
- midgap state
- minimum uncertainty state
- mixed state
- modified state
- nodal state
- noncollinear spin state
- nondegenerate state
- nonsteady state
- normal state
- occupied state
- odd state
- off state
- on state
- one state
- orthogonal states
- passive state
- plasma state
- polarization state for field vector
- polarization state
- poled state
- position state
- predissociating state
- problem state
- process state
- quantized flux state
- quantum state
- quasi-stationary state
- qubit state
- quiescent state
- realizable state
- remanent state
- resource state
- reverse blocking state
- reverse conducting state
- S state
- saturation state
- Schubnikov state
- shallow state
- shallow-lying state
- shared state
- single-domain state
- sleep state
- slow state
- solid state
- space-charge-limited-current state
- stable state
- statically demagnetized state
- stationary state
- steady state
- superconducting state
- supervisor state
- surface state
- tachyon state
- terminal state
- thermodynamic equilibrium state
- threshold state
- tip of the tongue state
- transient state
- trapped-plasma state
- trapping state
- unbound states
- unfilled state
- unmarked state
- unoccupied state
- unpoled state
- unstable state
- user state
- vacant state
- virtual state
- wait state
- Z state
- zero state
- zero wait stateThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > state
20 state
1) состояние2) режим3) формулировать; выражать знаками4) ставить (напр., задачу)•- anisochronic system state
- authorized state
- conducting state
- consistent state
- correct state
- dead state
- delta states
- deviated process state
- direct-current state
- disabled state
- distinguishable states
- don't care state
- dormant state
- emergency state
- empty state
- essential state
- excited state
- execution state
- failed state
- finite state
- floating state
- forced state
- halted state
- high-voltage state
- high state
- high-impedance state
- idle state
- inaccesible state
- inconsistent state
- indeterminate state
- initial state
- input state
- insane state
- in-sync state
- intentional state
- intermediate state
- interrogation state
- inverted state
- irrevisible state
- isochronic system state
- knowledge state
- low-voltage state
- low state
- magnetic state
- match state
- metastable state
- mismatch state
- naught state
- off state
- off-line state
- on state
- one state
- one wait state
- on-line state
- out-of-sync state
- output state
- perfect state
- prepared state
- privileged state
- problem state
- pseudofailed state
- quiescent state
- recognizable states
- relatively negative state
- relatively positive state
- remanent state
- request state
- reset state
- residual state - semi-hidden state
- set state
- silent state
- slave state
- stable state
- stationary state
- steady state
- stored state
- successor state
- supervisor state
- suspended program state
- suspended state
- transient state
- transition state
- undefined state
- unessential state
- uninterruptable state
- unknown state
- unmodified state
- unstable state
- up state
- user state
- valid state
- wait state
- X-state
- zero state
- Z-stateEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > state
См. также в других словарях:
steady-state process — nuostovusis vyksmas statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Vyksmas, kurio metu sistemos parametrų vertės ar jų gradientai įvairiose sistemos dalyse nepriklauso nuo laiko. atitikmenys: angl. stationary process; steady process; … Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas
steady-state process — Смотри стационарный (установившийся) процесс … Энциклопедический словарь по металлургии
Steady-state (chemical engineering) — A unit operation is considered to be at a steady state with respect to an operation variable if that variable does not change with time. Such a process is called a steady state process.ExampleSay a barrel of water had a hole in the bottom. Your… … Wikipedia
steady state — n 1) a state or condition of a system or process (as one of the energy states of an atom) that does not change in time 2) a state of physiological equilibrium esp. in connection with a specified metabolic relation or activity * * * dynamic… … Medical dictionary
Steady State theory — This article is about Cosmology. For other uses, see Steady state (disambiguation). Physical cosmology … Wikipedia
Steady state (electronics) — In electronics, steady state is an equilibrium condition of a circuit or network that occurs as the effects of transients are no longer important. Steady state determination is an important topic, because many design specifications of electronic… … Wikipedia
Steady State (Thermodynamics) — A steady state system in thermodynamics is when there is a process with numerous properties that are unchanging in time. In a control volume which is in steady state, the actual matter in the system is changing constantly but the amount of matter … Wikipedia
state process — nuostovusis procesas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Procesas, kurio metu sistemos parametrų vertės ar jų gradientai įvairiose sistemos dalyse nepriklauso nuo laiko. atitikmenys: angl. state process; stationary process; steady process rus.… … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
steady state — Synonyms and related words: aplomb, balance, balanced personality, ceaselessness, complex variable, consecutiveness, constancy, constant flow, continualness, continuity, continuousness, cool, endlessness, equilibrium, fastness, featurelessness,… … Moby Thesaurus
steady state — noun 1. : a state or condition of a system or process (as one of the energy states of an atom) that does not change in time 2. : a condition of stability of a generator or electric system under normal fluctuations of load or voltage 3. : a state… … Useful english dictionary
steady state — noun Date: 1885 a state or condition of a system or process (as one of the energy states of an atom) that does not change in time; broadly a condition that changes only negligibly over a specified time … New Collegiate Dictionary